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Social Media Platforms and Demographics

neha web
Social Media Platforms and Demographics

Social media marketing is a process of connecting to your audience with the message of your business or selling your business's product or services using social media platforms. Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest and many more to get connected with your audience to increase your sales, for brand awareness, to get traffic to your website, etc.,

Let's take a look on top social media platforms and their demographics:

  1. Facebook:
  • Facebook has users of all ages. It is one of the most diverse social media channels.
  • It has 2.45 billion monthly active users.
  • 54% of Facebook users are female and 46% are men.
  1. Instagram:
  • Instagram has a younger audience as compared to all other social media channels
  • It has about 1 billion active users
  • 51% of the users are female and 49% of the Instagram users are male
  • A large number of Instagram users belong to the 18-29 age group
  • Businesses use Instagram to build their brand awareness through creative visually appealing content.
  1. Twitter:
  • Twitter is a social platform for those who are willing to share their thoughts in public.
  • Twitter has around 330 million monthly users
  • Its largest audience is the young adults who are between the age group 18-29
  • Businesses use Twitter to build brand awareness and to drive sales and generate sales through targeted advertising
  1. LinkedIn:
  • It is an effective lead generation channel, particularly for B2B companies
  • LinkedIn has around 303 million monthly active users
  • Its audience is older and mature (30 – 49) as compared to other social media channels
  • It's 43% of the users are female and 57% are male.
  1. Pinterest
  • Pinterest has nearby 300 million monthly active users.
  • It is a platform for those who are actively looking for ideas on fashion, accessories, weddings, cooking, and do-it-yourself projects.
  • It has a more female audience than male, around 70% of its audiences are female.
  1. Youtube
  • Youtube has around 2 billion monthly active users
  • A large number of youtube users belong to the 15-35 age group
  • About 55% of the youtube users are male and 45% are females

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neha web
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