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Ayurveda kur Deutschland

ayur veda
Ayurveda kur Deutschland

Ayurveda is the combination of two word ayur and veda. The termayur means life and veda means knowledge.The knowledge of Ayurveda is transmitted from god to sages and then to physicians. According to Ayurveda, a person is composed of five elements they are fire,air,water , earth, and space. Three elemental substances in Ayurveda are vatta,pitta and cough. These three doshas are related with these five elements.   Balance of the three-state provide the good health and in balance provide diseases. Ayurveda Deutschland cure the diseases but it does not make any other effect in body. The origin of Ayurveda  is from Kerala and the foreigners are very much fond of this natural healing system. Ayurvedic treatments is one of the oldest and famous diseases healing system in the world.  Its primary aim is  to  promote good health  and thereby  reduce the fight against the disease.  The universe consist  everything and will give us  we need. The Ayurveda kur Deutschland  prescribe  different treatments for various medical condition.  For  healing respiratory problems, blood pressure, cholesterol and paralysis  Ayurveda treatments is the  best option.

ayur veda
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