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Methods to Choose the Best Olive Oil for Cooking

Abelson Williams
Methods to Choose the Best Olive Oil for Cooking

The benefits of olive oil are controversial among many health experts. Some say the ordinary olive oil can do wonders for your health, while others say extra-virgin or cold-pressed is the best one to use for cooking food items and that should be included in your diet. The benefits or advantages depend on the ways in which you are using them. There are some steps that you need to follow while buying olive oil for your household and it is very important for getting the best out of the product.

Key Factors for Choosing Cooking Olive Oil

Mentioned below are major things that you need to consider for buying high-quality olive oil for cooking.  

  • The Bottle Type

Light, air, and heat are considered as three enemies of cold-pressed olive oil. You must always look out for buying the best olive oil for cooking that is stored in a dark-colored bottle.

  • Check Manufacturing and Expiry Date

You always need to check the manufacturing as well as the expiry date written on the bottle of the olive oil that you chose to buy.

  • Taste and Smell

If it is possible, you must also taste and smell the olive oil before paying the price for it. If the olive oil is fresh, you will get the smell of fresh olives from the bottle.

  • Check the Polyphenol Level

Before buying a bottle of cold pressed olive oil, you must always check the level of Polyphenol present in it. This point is very important when buying olive oil.

Abelson Williams
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