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Cold pressed Rice Bran Oil can do wonders on your skin.

Rohit Verma
Cold pressed Rice Bran Oil can do wonders on your skin.

Rice Bran Oil also referred to as (Oryza Sativa) is a process of extraction of oil from the outer layer of rice called 'bran'. Bran is produced during the processing of rice, Bran is then cold pressed through machinery to obtain rice bran line. Cold-pressed rice bran oil is applied to skin, hair and for cooking food. Rice Bran Oil is an exceptional item for skin improvement and hair growth. It can be used in food and applied on skin/hair holistically. It is often called "All Rounder Oil". Organic Cold pressed oils have numerous benefits, oils like extra virgin coconut cold-pressed oils, organic mustard oil, olive oil and more.


Cold-pressed rice bran oil is immensely popular in countries like Japan and Korea. The famous glass skin is obtained from applying products that contain rice bran oil, it is used in every Korean skincare regime. Japanese women have been using rice bran oil for decades. The oil contains high levels of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids calling it a one-stop solution for beauty. It has anti-ageing properties and a splendid amount of vitamin E for effective moisturising. Although applying oils on the skin clogs pores, cold-pressed rice bran oil does the opposite, it hydrates and blemishes the skin.

Let's Dig deeper into the Ingredients of Organic Rice Bran Oil and the Elements that benefit the skin.

1.Vitamin B & Vitamin E

The presence of Vitamin B antioxidants components like Thiamine, Niacin and      Pantothenic Acid helps treat ageing skin. The moisturizing and soothing properties protect the skin from rashes, eczema and robust skin barriers.

2. Squalene

Squalene is a naturally produced liquid found on our skin's sebum that acts as a lubricant protecting the skin. 

3. Ferulic Acid

Ferulic Acid is found in various plants. They are Rich in antioxidant properties that protect the skin from UV rays.

4. Fatty and Linoleic Acid 

Fatty and Linoleic Acid is an omega-6 fatty acid referred to as Vitamin F, which is not produced naturally in the body but is a vital component for healthy skin. Cold-pressed rice bran oil contains an exceptional amount of fatty and linoleic acids. Both acids are also recommended by dermatologists for skin treatments like acne, and skin irritation due to their high levels of anti-inflammatory elements.

5. Oleic Acid

Oleic Acid is a type of Omega-9 fatty acid that prevents the damage of skin barriers, moisturizes the skin and more.

10 Benefits of Cold Pressed Rice Bran Oil on the Skin.

Rice Bran Oil protects the skin from environmental aggressors like UV rays, pollutants in the air, dust, bacteria and fungus.

Repairs damaged skin barriers and skin tissue

Acts as a Natural Moisturizer.

Hydrates Dry and Flakky skin without clogging the pores.

Eases down the process of premature ageing due to stress 

Relaxes and Soothes saggy skin

Even out skin tone and Hyperpigmentations

Universal Application for all skin types

Healing Properties for skin diseases like eczema

Affordable and easily available

The cold-pressed rice bran oil does wonders on your skin when applied regularly. Korean skincare is the new trend, and rice bran oil is an essential part of it. So What are you waiting for? Order your Cold pressed Rice Bran Oil.

Company Name: Zama Organics

URL: https://www.zamaorganics.com/

tel: +91 8104965913

Address: Deonar Rd, Govandi Slums, Bhim Nagar, Govandi East Mumbai Maharashtra 400043

Rohit Verma
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