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Oura Smart Rings to be identified COVID-19 symptoms

Pratik Narkhede
Oura Smart Rings to be identified COVID-19 symptoms

All sporting events around the world have been closed for several months in view of the coronavirus epidemic. Meanwhile, the NBA (National Basketball Association) is preparing for its next season. In the new season, players can take the field wearing a safety ring. It will be able to detect the initial symptoms of coronavirus from ring players. Also, be able to monitor the players’ body temperature and heart rate. Like the SmartWatch, this smart ring will have a variety of sensors that can detect the symptoms of COVID-19 from players.

This information has been given by The Athletic Journalist Shams Charania through his Twitter handle. Shams Charania wrote in his tweet that inside the Orlando Bubble there will be an option to wear rings across NBA players to detect early signs of the Coronavirus. It will also be able to monitor body temperature, respiratory system, and heart rate. Read more

Pratik Narkhede
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