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4 Tools Every Student Should Use for Essay Writing

alexa smith
4 Tools Every Student Should Use for Essay Writing
Essay assignments are essential to academic courses.
Apparently, the essay assignment helps the educators evaluate the students’ understanding and knowledge of a particular topic. Even though essay writing is a part of the academic career of every student, not many of them like to spend days preparing those papers. To make things a bit interesting, we have assembled a list of online tools that can help you get your essay papers done effectively within less time.
1. Grammarly:
Grammarly is an online proofreading tool that allows you to check your paper for grammatical inaccuracies and punctuations. It also identifies spelling mistakes, squinting modifiers, passive voice, and other elements that can affect the quality of the content. You can get a basic grammar check with the free version of the tool. With the premium version, you can get advanced grammar checks as well as plagiarism checks. Every paper writer should use this tool.
2. Google Scholar:
A lot of students struggle to gather the necessary data for their essay assignments. With Google Scholar, you can find authentic data for academic topics in just a matter of seconds. This is a search engine built only for academic purposes. You only need to do a keyword search relevant to your essay topic. This tool will provide you with thousands of results, including books, journals, magazines, research papers, newspapers. It's free for everyone.
3. Copyscape:
If you are not sure about the originality of the content, you can check your paper on Copyscape. It is one of the best online plagiarism checker tools in the business. Simply copy your text and paste it on this tool and check for plagiarism traces in the content. The tool comes with a free trial. However, once the trial is over, you need to pay $4.95 per month.
4. Referencing generator by MyAssignmenthelp.com:
MyAssignmenthelp.com offers an online referencing generator tool that helps you create referencing entries for sources of data used in your essay paper. The tool offers referencing support in formats like APA, MLA, Harvard, Oxford, Vancouver, Chicago, and more. Also, the tool can generate references for a variety of sources, including books, newspapers, journals, case proceedings, magazines, and more. This tool is available for free.
If you are running behind your schedule, this tool can be quite useful in getting you up to speed. So, give these tools a try and see how do they help improve your
alexa smith
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