The people practicing yoga and its popularity is increasing exponentially across the globe which in turn leads to an increase in the number of yoga teachers and yoga teacher certification institutes. If you want to become a yoga instructor and choose yoga as your career, there are certain things that you should know before stepping into yoga instructor training. The tips below are validated by the experts and the ones who have been to the yoga teacher training Bali. So, before embracing your first session of yoga training, keep in mind the following tips to make the most out of your yoga teacher certification.
Let go of the burden of expectations
You should not stress yourself in preparing completely about what will come in the journey to become a yoga instructor. No one will be able to tell you what will happen at the retreat or how you will feel when you are there and when you choose to be on this journey, always remember that you have to do your best. Put your best foot forward and leave the expectations of what the final result will be.
Make an intention
At the commencement of your first class set an intention because this will remind you about why you joined the yoga instructor training. The setting of an intention will help you overcome the situations when things become overwhelming for you but also keep this in mind that the reasons might change after spending some time in the yoga retreats.
The aspect of Do It Yourself
Always remember that more than any reason, you are learning and mastering the art of yoga for yourself. Whether you have the intention to teach afterward or not, the teachings of the yoga teacher training Bali will always be with you if you imbibe them in your life. After embracing yoga truly, you will be able to share its goodness with others.
Not knowing everything in the yoga class is fine
When you enter the yoga instructor training there will be a lot of postures, words, or subjects that will be new to you. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and keep your curiosities alive because that will keep you going in the consecutive classes. If you are confused about any aspect, feel free to ask and clear your doubts from the yoga instructors.
Keep a check on yourself
Yoga teacher certification will be a mixed bag of physical and mental exercise and will also be involving a lot of sitting. After a long session of sitting when you move into a yoga posture, be gentle and kind towards yourself, or else you might end up getting injuries. Always listen to your body and stop when it becomes too much to handle for it. And, if you happen to get injured, take some time and let it heal before stepping on to your yoga mat again with the same level of enthusiasm and a firm motivation to fulfill your intention.
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