Available the excellent Acupuncture treatment in Gaithersburg Maryland. Our acupuncture therapists can help you to get rid of back pain, & other health conditions.
Looking for the best Acupuncturist in Gaithersburg Maryland?
Call Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Clinic for a consultation +1-301-801-1028.
KOSA Acupuncture provides safe and effective treatments with traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture in Gaithersburg Maryland - KOSA Acupuncture has successfully treated with a very high success rate, literally 100%.
A physical therapist is a licensed healthcare professional who assists patients with functional limitations by correcting perceived physiological issues that impact their ability to function.
Physical therapists are not medical doctors, but they do have a degree in a related field called human movement or physical therapy.
They are trained in diagnosis, prevention, rehabilitation, exercise programs, and injury assessment.
Physical therapists can help patients overcome neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunctions, manage disorders of the musculoskeletal system, treat sports injuries, use therapeutic strength training equipment, and perform a variety of movements.
A physical therapist's role may vary, but he/she is usually involved in all areas of the patient's physical functioning.A physical therapy professional may also refer patients to a surgeon or orthopedic surgeon for surgical procedures.
To locate a good physical therapy professional in your neighborhood, contact your local office of the Human Resources Department.
Many people suffer from neck and shoulder pain but don't realize that it is very common.
If you have been suffering from this type of pain for more than a few days, and you've tried several things to get rid of the pain, you may be ready to ask your doctor about a physical therapy treatment.
Many times, physical therapy will help to improve your posture, as well.
This will either eliminate or greatly alleviate neck and shoulder pain.
Your PT will help you retrain the stabilizing muscles in both the front and the back of your upper neck so that they can give the strength and balance necessary to hold good posture throughout your daily life.
The problem with neck pain, whether it originates in the neck, shoulders, or any other part of the body, is that when a person is standing or sitting, the weight of their head and neck must rest on the supporting muscles and joints.