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How Wireless Access Point Is Better Than The Wired One?

sam vilson
How Wireless Access Point Is Better Than The Wired One?

Two kinds of access points can be installed which is wireless and second one is the wired one. If you are willing to get it installed and still confused then here is an ultimate step by step guide for you which is why you need to stay till the end of it.

Moreover if you are new then it might be challenging task too but first you need to make sure about your usage. You have to find out how many people are there in the area or in the house who are willing to use the internet connection. If there are plenty of them then you should go for the wireless one as you can check them out online on techprojournal.com.

 If you are the only one then you can go for the wired one but it comes with different conditions that you need to know about.

What are the conditions in the wired access point?

There are plenty of them but you only need to know about the essential one which will be going to help in better understanding of why you should and should not go for the wired access point. Here are some for you-

  1. Only one connection- If you want better speed without any compromising then you can only connect the one device with it. It is the major drawback of the wired one but if you are alone then you can go for it without any second thought.
  2. Cannot roam- A wire will be connected to you which means you cannot roam here and there without detaching the wire. It is really irritating because it is the era of modern time and no one wants to face issues in the internet connectivity.
  3. LAN- There is a LAN wire required in the wired connectivity so if you are sure about it only then you should go for it. You cannot get it connected with the mobile phone because those devices does not comes with LAN connectivity port.
  4. Only laptop or computer- The only device you can connect would be either laptop or computer because they are the only one which comes with the port of LAN wire. No mobile phone or tablets can get connected.

These are some of the points you need to keep in mind as it will be going to help you in making the right decisions.


Wireless access points are the best because there is no limitation as you can connect as many devices as you want without any issue at all. Also there is no need to compromise the speed of the internet at all.

sam vilson
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