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Early Covid-19 Patient David Pooley Shares His Experience With A Cure And Sets To Commercialize It

Md Mahamudul Hasan
Early Covid-19 Patient David Pooley Shares His Experience With A Cure And Sets To Commercialize It

As scientists around the world race toward finding an effective vaccine and/or cure for COVID-19, health officials throughout the world have started encouraging an alternative type of medicine to help those who get sick with respiratory infections— traditional herbal remedies. An early patient, David Pooley shares his story and how he got cured with the aid of an unusual medicine which he intends to commercialize.


“I believe I contracted the Covid19 virus on my trip to East Asia. After visiting Hong Kong, Shenzhen, I arrived in Vietnam on the 23rd of January 2020. Here I developed a sore throat coupled with very bad diarrhea. With not a lot of news about the virus at this time, I didn’t give it much thought and considered it was just the usual Asian belly and the sore throat from all the flights I had taken. My journey then took me from Vietnam- Hong Kong- South Korea -Hawaii and onward to American Samoa. On arriving on the 3rd of January I was scheduled to fill a consulting position on a local long liner, as a fishing master, we were due to depart on the 10th of January. It was during this period along with diarrhea and sore throat; I developed an uncontrollable dry cough. It was deep in the lungs, the kind of coughing fits that were difficult to stop and always left me breathless. I remember at that time, to have a cough like this in the middle of the Pacific with 30 c days was ridiculous. On arrival, I brought bedding and had to go back a purchase an extra blanket. Thinking back on it, I may have had a little fever.


I was committed to going fishing and we sailed on the 10th of January. At sea my cough slowly got worse, to the point where laying down was almost impossible and really extenuated the cough, I was almost passing out from lack of oxygen. The sleeping was getting less, diarrhea no better. I was looking at setting up my bunk so I could sleep sitting up. It was at this stage I got a little worried and started taking more medicine for diarrhea. I also took a very unusual cure. It was first described to me by a New Zealand Maori woman and is derived from a bush native to New Zealand. The rest is history within 24 hours I was a lot better and within 48 I was cured, showing no signs or symptoms. I want to develop this cure to a commercial level and looking for partners or investors




Using herbs for illness isn’t a novel idea. For thousands of years, herbs like licorice, ginger, and ephedra have been used to treat respiratory infections like the flu and pneumonia. Some remedies, like forsythia, were put to the test for SARS and found to be somewhat effective in laboratory studies. For any interested party, please contact David at mygoshnz@gmail.com and he will revert with a proposal. For an initial background check on David please follow the link to his Linked in Profile http://linkedin.com/in/dave-pooley-36aba12b


Md Mahamudul Hasan
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