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Captain america upcoming movie hints

sofiyan saboor
Captain america upcoming movie hints

From sofiyan-Captain marvel

In 1995, on the Kree Empire's capital planet of Hala, Starforce member Vers suffers from amnesia and recurring nightmares involving an older woman. Yon-Rogg, her mentor and commander, trains her to control her abilities while the Supreme intelligence.

 the artificial intelligence that rules the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check.

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During a mission to rescue an undercover operative infiltrating a group of Skrulls, alien shapeshifters with whom the Kree are at war.

Vers is captured by Skrull commander Talos. A probe of Vers's memories leads them to Earth. Vers escapes and crash-lands in Los Angeles.

Her presence attracts S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, whose investigation is interrupted by a Skrull attack.

In the ensuing chase, Vers recovers a crystal containing her extracted memories while Fury kills a Skrull impersonating Coulson.

Talos, disguised as Fury's boss Keller, orders Fury to work with Vers and keep tabs on her.

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sofiyan saboor
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