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What are dermal fillers?

Karun Agarwal
What are dermal fillers?

They’re the popular choice for getting plump, youthful and smooth skin. But are they safe? Here’s our guide to dermal fillers for beginners

Dermal fillers, If you’re thinking about getting them, or have heard them mentioned and want to know more, then this is your comprehensive overview of the cosmetic procedure that’s designed to help diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of ageing.

Laser Treatment in Jodhpur, gives facial fillers, from what happens during the procedure to possible side effects and cost.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are small injections of gel, typically made up of hyaluronic acid, that fill in wrinkles and add volume to soft tissue. You can have dermal fillers in different parts of your face: around the eye, cheeks, mouth and jawline, as well as lip fillers administered directly into the lip tissue.

How do they work?

Fillers basically restore lost volume to your face and plump areas, so that deep-set lines are smoothed. Why is this needed? As we get older our bodies stop producing collagen and elastin, both of which contribute to the youthful look.

Experts argue over when we start losing collagen, but the generally agreed age is 25. Pretty young, right? Your collagen and elastin levels then decline at a rate of about 2% per year, and your body will have stopped producing it altogether by your late twenties.

How long do dermal fillers last?

It depends how your body reacts and which hyaluronic acid is used, but most dermal fillers will last between six and 18 months.

Do dermal fillers have side effects?

‘It’s easy for clients to confuse side effects to reactions, so it’s extremely important to understand what side effects can be expected,’ says Dr Loong. ‘Temporary side effects – those that are completely normal after facial injections – can include; swelling, redness and tenderness.

‘It’s completely normal to experience a little bit of discomfort, redness and bruising after the procedure. Reactions generally occur immediately after the needle injection and can include; redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising and tenderness at the injection location.

‘These reactions are generally mild to moderate and usually disappear shortly after injection, usually resolved a few days after the injection into the skin.’



Karun Agarwal
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