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Legal Document Assistants | LDA PRO | Eviction Sacramento California

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Legal Document Assistants | LDA PRO | Eviction Sacramento California

Process Server  Eviction Services Sacramento, California. Registered Unlawful Detainer Assistant. Fast Eviction Notice. 3 Day Notice, 30 Day Notice, 60 Day Notice California


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Evictions COVID19

COVID19 Eviction Rules and Limitations:

The novel Coronavirus has impacted California Real Estate in a major way. As millions of people have lost their jobs and their income, the government has stepped in to enforce rules and limitations on evictions. Our best advice for landlords at this time is to contact your mortgage lender to verify if there are any programs that may be available to you, if your renter is not paying their rent. Our best advice to renters is pay your rent! This is not a get out of jail for free card. This is simply a “differment of rental payments,” according to the most recently passed law, April 27, 2020. The law may change in the future but here is a quick summary of when and how a landlord can pursue an eviction. For homes that have goverment backed mortgages by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac the law states:

  1. All past due rent is due on May 31, 2020.
  2. Landlord may issue a 3 Day Notice, along with a 120 Day Repayment Plan, after May 31, 2020.
  3. The normal monthly rent and past due rent will be due at that time. For example, if your monthly rent is $1,400 and you owe March, April, and May’s rent your payment plan moving forward for June 1, 2020, will be $1.400 plus $1,050 ($4,200 total rent due / 4 months = $1,400) = $2450 for June, September, October, and November’s Rent. On December 1, 2020, your rental payments will go back to $1,400 per month.
  4. Notice To Vacates, can not be issued until after July 27. 2020. Unless there is a health and safety issue, which the law does not clearly state what constitutes as a health and safety issue.
  5. New Summons / New Eviction Cases, will not be issued until the end of August or September 1, 2020. If you have a 3 Day Notice that the tenants have not complied with, that was served after May 31, 2020, you can not pursue an eviction case until the end of August or September 1, 2020.

This law is scary to say the least for landlords and tenants. This is going to create so much chaos and there will be a ton of homeless people who can’t pay their rent or mortgage. There has to be a better plan that lawmakers can come up with, but until then, these are the facts.

In An Article Published By Car.Org and The Department Of Real Estate, Property Management and COVID-19:



3550 Watt Ave., Suite 140 Sacramento, California 95821

1100 Melody Lane, Suite 1038, Roseville CA 95678

CALL US: (916) 620-2446



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