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What You Need to Know about Bail Bonds and how They Work?

Michael Smith
What You Need to Know about Bail Bonds and how They Work?

Bail bondsman or bail bond agencies are the last resort when you cannot arrange the bail amount for yourself or for your dear one to get out of custody. The agencies and the bondsmen play a major role in this business. The terms might sound interchangeable, but they have some differences between them. Different states have different criminal laws and regulations, so how the bondsmen and bond agencies work varies.

Differences between a Bail Bond Agency and a Bondsman

Both the agency and the bondsman help you or your friend to get out of jail or get released from any criminal case. But there are some differences in the pattern in which they work and pay. Here are some of the basic differences that you can notice between the two.

  • Cost

Both the bondsman and the agency will charge 10% of the full bail amount to get you released. But the difference is that the individual bondsman who will work under you makes the rest payment. On the other hand, an individual will pay the amount on behalf of the agency. The amount remains fixed with every Hialeah bail bonds.

  • Working Pattern

Several bondsmen work under a bail bond agency till they gather the experience to work individually and help people to get Miami bail bonds. Many bondsmen think that it is best to learn the basics from an agency and also help supervisors and co-workers. They can know lawyers, judges, law system people, and get a break in the industry.

  • Position

Generally, a bail bond agency has the expertise of working for a particular type of bail bond. But for an individual bondsman, he or she can work on any case to get you or your friends bailed out. Every bondsman needs to know their position while taking collateral against cash.

  • License

License is necessary to become a renowned bondsman to work against Hialeah bail bonds. For an individual bondsman, he or she may get the license by just passing some tests to work with bail bonds. On the other hand, an agency needs to be registered and licensed along with its employees.

Factors to Determine the Bail Amount

The bail amount is decided when you appear at the court for hearings. It is actually determined on the kind of case that has been imposed on you or your dear one. Though in extreme cases you cannot get a bail, maximum cases are settled with Miami bail bonds. The factors based on which the court decides the bail amount are:

  • Family obligations.
  • Flight risk.
  • Assets and income.
  • Community connections.
  • Public safety.
  • Health conditions.
  • Court and criminal records.
  • Importance of the crime.

The author, Michael, is a recognized bail bondsman working with Miami bail bonds. He has handled many cases regarding Hialeah bail bonds. In this article, he has talked about some differences between a bondsman and a bail bond agency, and how the court determines the bail amount of the defendant.

Michael Smith
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