Nowadays businesses are trying to keep their staffs well trained and updated by offering them a wide range of trainings that are important for their jobs. And so they are adopting various learning and development programs virtually and taking the advantage of online learning courses so that they can boost the organization’s bottom line. No matter what type of training your company is offering to the staffs, but the thing is that the organization needs to be convinced that there is a potential Return on investment. In today’s work environment it is very important to stay updated and it is only through proper training that this is possible.
Online training helps to integrate new employees, strengthen their skill development and communicate important policies. Though a few may say that there are some disadvantages of virtual learning like it may be boring, impersonal, less engaging, but there are some inherent advantages to virtual learning that can help to boost your organization’s bottom line. Moodle is a popular LMS development platform and here in this article let’s see how it helps to boost online training and helps in increasing the ROI:
Self-paced learning:
Online learning programs that are created using Moodle has various advantages for the field technicians or remote workers. The training helps to describe latest software or tools that they might need in the fields and the techs can expect micro learning modules that lasts between 4 to 8 mins. Moodle LMS development supports micro learning and helps users create the modules as per the needs. With virtual training only a small amount of work time was sacrificed to meet the learning needs and in terms of ROI, it was a solid win.
Knowledge capture:
You know how to use the computer and with rapid technological advancements and the constant need to adapt to the changes, creating virtual training is the much needed task of today. Short recorded sessions from subject matter experts can help to stay focused while highlighting the specific processes or operations. A 2 -3 minute video for employees can brush their skills and with time the library of short learning modules will also grow and they will soon become an invaluable treasure of information .
Virtual learning as performance support:
Moodle LMS development helps to serve both the strategy for solidifying the learning for remote workers and helps them embrace continuous learning from virtual programs. If they have any questions, they can simply consult the micro learning bits instead of wasting precious time tracking down the colleagues or even consulting them for assistance. The series of micro learning programs, created using Moodle development platform is easily accessible, intuitively designed which employees can easily access at will and they are confident once they have mastered the new software.
Also Read: Designing Tricks to Follow while Creating a Moodle Course
Reduced travel cost:
Another biggest advantage of virtual learning is that it helps to reduce the travelling cost and if your business is global or even national, the travel costs are usually enormous and affects the budget. Gathering a group of people from all over the country is difficult and it will include flight charges, hotel stays, non-productive time during travel and etc. All these can be avoided by developing virtual training programs that can be accessed from anywhere in the globe.
Moodle is a popular learning management system that helps to create modules, which are easy to access from anywhere in the globe and such short training modules help to boost the return on investment of the company.