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Future Prospect of Computer Science Engineering

Sai Tm
Future Prospect of Computer Science Engineering

We are living in a digital world that has been evolving tremendously with myriads of discoveries and inventions. Technology is omnipresent in our lives. The world is moving towards the technology and online platform in a rapid pace.  Students contemplating career options in engineering always end up choosing Computer Science Engineering because of the copious amount of job opportunities in this field and the scope for its future. The seats are filled almost immediately and it is the first choice for most students among the other branches.

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Computer Science Engineering

This is a branch of engineering which mainly deals with the design, implementation and the information system management of both software and hardware process. The domain of Computer Science Engineers is the development of hardware and software systems concerned with all the aspects of computing. The computer science engineering incorporates and integrates several other branches like software design, information technology, etc.

The engineering traits and disciplines that are of great significance to Computer Science Engineering are

  • Principles of programming languages
  • Computer networks
  • Operating systems
  • Java programming
  • Website design
  • Computer architecture and organization
  • Multimedia applications
  • E-commerce and EPR
  • Database systems


Choosing a college is important since it defines the quality of your education and the prominence of your career and your future. There is lot of options for you to choose from. There are many leading and reputed institutions offering B.Tech course in Computer Science Engineering. Here is the list of Computer Science Engineering Colleges in Haryana with leading remarks.

  • Andrews Institute Of Technology And Management
  • Amit University
  • World Institute Of Technology
  • Dronacharya College Of Engineering
  • BITS Engineering College

The list of some Computer Science Engineering Colleges in Gurgaon

  • Anupama College Of Engineering
  • Aravali College Of Engineering And Management
  • B M S Institute Of Technology
  • Asian Institute Of  Management And Technology
  • Bharat Institute Of Technology

Job opportunities

As a Computer Science Engineer you have lot of career options to choose and some of the fields included database management, IT, embedded systems, multimedia, web designing, gaming, maintenance and implementation of both software and hardware systems and all other fields in this sector.

When compared to the other branches of engineering the annual package of the Computer Science Engineers are more and can be promoted in their field of work in a very short time.

There is one too many recruiters who are interested in drafting the Computer Science Engineers. The number of employments in the IT field has been increasing excessively which is leading to increase in placements of students. Some of the top recruiters are

  • TCS
  • Wipro
  • Infosys
  • HCL
  • Cognizant
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • IBM
  • Adobe
  • Accenture
  • Facebook
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Cisco
  • Yahoo
  • Oracle
  • Flipkart
  • Snapdeal
  • Sun Microsystems


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Sai Tm
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