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Top 10 OTT Video Platforms 2020

Annas Tasia
Top 10 OTT Video Platforms 2020

With the rise of online video, video delivery over the internet has skyrocketed in recent years. As the trend of OTT TV is doesn’t in the way of changing its path, the “Over the top” has brought substantial change by creating an impact in the world of television. OTT software comprises a host of tools, applications, and services that enable content creators and publishers to distribute OTT media, and monetize it


Advanced Features :

Streaming video delivery quality and optimization
Media ingestion of live events (e.g. concerts, streams, etc.) for later delivery
Cotent organization
Content scheduling
Monetization (SVOD, TVOD, AVOD, Pay per view)
API access for ancillary tools
SDK or development toolkit for designing player, optimizing for playback on various devices
Multi-service integration
Content hosting, video storage

Searching for the perfect OTT solution can be a bit intimidating, especially since there are so many important features involved.

We’ve broken down Best OTT Video Platform providers to give you a good idea of what each solution is like, what they have to offer, and how much they cost.




Annas Tasia
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