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Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2020

karen jodes
Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2020

Artificial Intelligence is also known as machine intelligence, where machines mimic the intelligence of the human mind and actions. The primary purpose of artificial intelligence is to make rational decisions according to the circumstances. The basic perception of artificial intelligence is all about robots, among most of the population, but the applications of artificial intelligence are much bigger than that.

Many sectors have benefited from the application of artificial intelligence like healthcare, banking, and many more. The correct implementation of AI can carry more complex tasks with less time. The Internet of Things produces a massive amount of data, and artificial intelligence analyzes that data and makes sense of it. Artificial intelligence has received an upward trend of growth, leading to the development of human society and multiple industries, and artificial intelligence will continue to grow in promising ways for consumers and various businesses.

As 2020 has not been a great year so far because of COVID-19, artificial intelligence has played a massive role in combating the pandemic induced situations. Every ounce of technological advances and innovations helped us to fight the pandemic.

Every organization is finding new ways to operate effectively and to serve their customers as social distancing measures remain in place. Machine learning played a significant role in providing tools to support remote communication and smooth functioning.

Government and significant healthcare institutions had also included machine learning tools like chatbots for contactless communication and screening. They have used chatbots to assess the COVID symptoms and provided information about government policies. These chatbots have provided the answer to almost every possible question, from evaluation to exercise without putting the human resource at risk.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have helped researchers to analyze a large volume of data to take preventive measures. Machine learning and AI has helped the global leaders to execute informed decisions on time and in preventing the spread of the COVID outbreak.

One of the significant roles that machine learning and AI played since the pandemic outbreak is speeding up the research of COVID cases and deriving relevant information out of high-volume data. Right now, researchers have been loaded with a high volume of data which makes it difficult for them to derive useful insights out of it. But machine learning has helped researchers to analyze the research paper more quickly and extract relevant medical information out of unstructured data.

In the future, machine learning and artificial intelligence will play a significant role in preventing the outbreak from spreading more and accelerating the discovery of a drug to cure COVID 19. Machine learning can be effectively used to derive contextual relationships between genes, disease, and medicines.

The pandemic has speeded up the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning into various segments. Machine learning and AI holds significant importance to help solve the biggest challenge we are facing right now. Because of the pandemic, artificial intelligence and machine learning has shifted from hype state to practical application as various organizations, and global leaders begin to harness its potential.

source: Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 2020

karen jodes
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