AI Products 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions | Zencode

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Solutions | Zencode


             Headquartered at Singapore. Zencode was founded in 2013 as an IT outsourcing company. We set up our first Delivery Centre at Chennai, India in 2014. We outgrew the garage to a full fledged office within 2 years.Along the way, we also expanded our market footprint to Hong Kong and setup our AI & Blockchain practice at Bangalore, India.Today, we can help you build your IT platforms from start to finish. From design to coding to implementation and support . Zen is a business application that will revolutionise the way a company does things; A marketplace that brings various people together; A custom business application for your business; A mobile application that uses crowdsourcing to bring convenience to customers; or a myriad of potential new industries, ask Zencode to help you with the implementation.

Email Address Sales : sales@zencode.guru HR : hrindia@zencode.guru

Contact us: BANGALORE III & IV Floors, NCR Complex 580/B, Sector 6, HSR layout, Bengalore-560102

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