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Property Management Westchester: Services and Benefits Offered

Benchmark LM Management Services LLC

Handling your property and its finances can be time-consuming and exhausting. If you want to free up your time and increase your efficiency, hiring a property management company is the right way to go. Here is an overview of what services and benefits leading property managements in Westchester have to offer:


Accounting services


Trusted property management in Westchester will take care of accounting services including handling your budget, income, and disbursements. Here are some of the services offered:


  • Preparation of bank reconciliations and analysis of cash needs
  • Risk management
  • Monthly management reports
  • Collection and deposit of maintenance income
  • Monitoring of other income
  • Handling of mortgage and escrow payments
  • Maintaining accounts, payable schedule, and cash flow


Building management services


Maintaining your property alone can be a tiresome task. It is recommended that you enlist the help of property management officers. Building management services are being offered by property management in Westchester, and these include compliance, site management, and board policies. For a better look into these functions, here is a short overview of the offered services:


  • Filing of payroll and other tax and information returns
  • Review, signing, and filing of corporate income tax returns
  • Compliance with the city, state, and federal requirements
  • Periodic building visits
  • Supervision of personnel and contractors
  • Preventative maintenance programs
  • Enforcement of all board policies


Capital improvement services


Capital improvement is an important part of owning a property. This allows you to enhance your property’s overall value and prolong its life. Hire a reliable property manager to take care of your capital improvement needs such as roof replacements, facade construction, foundation repair, and security systems, among others.


It is important to note that this is simply an overview of the services offered. For more details, make sure to do research and check out the websites of trusted property management offices in Westchester.


Choose a reliable and leading property management company in Westchester that offers the best services and excellent customer service. Make sure that they offer services such as accounting, building management, and capital improvement to bring the best out of your property.

About the Author:

Benchmark Property Management is a licensed Real Estate Brokerage firm that provides assistance in sales, rentals, as well as performing duties as transfer agents. We are also an accredited member of every pertinent Building Management and Real Estate organization in Westchester County.

Benchmark LM Management Services LLC
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