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8 Reasons to implement an LMS system for schools

Abhishek Kher
8 Reasons to implement an LMS system for schools

Below are the reasons why schools need to think beyond video callings apps and shift their activities on a dedicated e-learning platform like BM Connect LMS.

In this present scenario, education is undergoing a major transformation, where remote education has taken a foreground paving way for e-learning tools. This e-learning tool has helped schools to keep education going without the need of coming to school. But, if you are wondering why a complete LMS system when the classes can be conducted on any Video-Conferencing tool, then we provide you not one, but 8 reasons for it: 

  1. Better collaboration of students and teachers 
  2. Add and update curriculum, even during the ongoing session  
  3. Keep a tab of individual student’s performance by conducting tests & assignments  
  4. Make effective explanation with pictorial representation through whiteboard integration 
  5. Ability to teach better by sharing videos and presentations 
  6. Shared network with security and privacy features  
  7. Offers customization for a personalized experience  
  8. Maintains the hierarchy of your organizations with role-based access and restrictions. 
Abhishek Kher
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