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Inspection and Maintenance Robot Market Status and Forecast Upto 2025

Inspection and Maintenance Robot Market Status and Forecast Upto 2025

The global inspection and maintenance robot market is expected to witness significant growth in the forecast period 2020-2025, primarily due to a rising need for inspection and maintenance in hazardous and confined spaces. The scope of study majorly focuses on the inspection and maintenance robots that are manufactured for professional use or industrial use. The inspection robots are majorly used for several industrial applications and operate in the utility sectors such as inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of pipelines, hulls, dams, pressure vessels, storage tanks, heat exchangers, as well as maritime inspection and sewer treatment by small wheeled robots. Further, the report also describes the opportunities for inspection robot manufacturers in automotive, nuclear, and construction applications.

Robotics market has experienced dynamic technological advancements over the last few decades. These advancements have led to the improvement in the autonomy of robot, operating range, capabilities, and size, and pave the way for various growth opportunities for the utility, oil and gas, petrochemical, and food and beverages sector. The concept of usage of robots dates back to the year 1954, George Devol invented the first programmable and digitally operated robot. Since then, robots and their usage have undergone several technological advancements that result in a higher degree of autonomy and 3D spatial awareness in its operation.

The introduction of robots in the service market has rapidly transformed the process of production, further leading to a growing demand for more automated solutions (both hardware and software). Also, to increase the visibility into the servicing and maintenance process for strengthening the production process and decreasing the production cost.

In the field of robotic automation and applications, autonomy for robots is one of the major requirements. The term autonomous robot is for robots which can perform a task without any human intervention. However, the degree of autonomy depends on the tasks to be completed, and a very high degree of autonomy is expected from fully autonomous robots. Robots with full autonomy are preferred in several applications in inspection and maintenance robot market such as in space underwater inspection and maintenance of equipment used in oil drilling, inspection in hazardous environments, and maintenance at heights. For instance, Shell’s project of Sensabot, which is an autonomous inspection robot for oil, gas, and petrochemical industry, is under development and is expected to be shipped by the end of the year 2020.

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The service robots that can autonomously execute inspection tasks in extensive industrial plants are inspection robots. To adhere to the safety regulations of laborers working in a hazardous environment for the purpose of cleaning, inspection, and maintenance alternative measures, such as the usage of remotely operated and autonomous inspection robots, have been increased. The type of tasks that are performed varies and depends on the industry type, asset type, and maintenance requirements of end users.

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