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GTU Result 2020

University Result
GTU Result 2020


Gujarat Technological University (GTU) had published the GTU Result 2020 officially for various courses. Students who are waiting for their result can check their respective course result from the below mentioned direct links. Besides this, students check their result from the university's official website. Students are suggested to check all the details mentioned on their result. If details do not match, then contact the result authorities of GTU. Below, we have mentioned the steps to check your GTU Result, follow these steps to download your result and take a print out of it for future usages. To know more about GTU results keep on scrolling.


Latest Update: GTU Result 2020 has been announced by the official authority of the university for various courses. These courses are:


  • ME SEMESTER 1 Remedial (OCT 2020) Exam, 
  • ME SEMESTER 2 Regular and Remedial (AUG 2020), 
  • BH SEMESTER 4 – Regular (SEP 2020) Exam, 
  • BPH SEMESTER 2 Remedial (SEP 2020) Exam, 
  • IC SEMESTER 7,8, 9, 10 (SEP 2020) Exam, 
  • IC SEMESTER 6N Remedial (SEP 2020) Exam, 
  • DA SEMESTER 4 AND 5 – Remedial (SEP 2020) Exam,
  • BPH SEMESTER 3 Remedial (SEP 2020) Exam,
  • BE SEMESTER 3 – Remedial (SEP 2020) Exam, 
  • various UG and PG Exams. 


Students check the GTU Result 2020 Status from below mentioned direct links or by visiting the official website of the university.


About Gujarat Technological University (GTU)


Gujarat Technological University (GTU) is one of the best academic as well as research institutions.  It has successfully made new forms of study and researching since it is organised. It is founded by the Gujarat Government vide Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007. Now, GTU has become a destination for various students. GTU is a\one of the State universities of Gujarat that has been affiliated to 486 colleges across Gujarat in the FIVE different zones at Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Vallabh Vidyanagar, and Surat. The University provides the study facilities in the area of Architecture, Engineering, Pharmacy, Management, and Computer Science. Till now, GTU has more than 4,00,000 students who have enrolled in various courses, such as Diploma, Post Graduate, UnderGraduate, with the Doctoral program.


University education enables students to examine traditional thinking in a more useful manner. With a promise to open and free inquiry, the students have been working to change the way they experience the world, developing – and producing – disciplines of various studies.


GTU Result 2020 - Quick Details

Name Of The University

Gujarat Technological University 

Exam Name

Annual / Semester Examination

Courses Name

IC, DP, DIPL, DA, BA, BID, BE, BL, B.Voc, BP, BPP, M.Phil, MBA, BBA, BA,  BPH, Diploma, & Others


University Result

Exam Status


Result Available Mode


Result Announcement Date

Available Now

Official Link



Details Available On University Of GTU Result 2020 


Once you download the GTU Result 2020, you can see the following details on your result. If your details do not match with your mentioned details immediately contact the GTU result authority. The details that mentioned on your result are:


  • Name of the student 
  • Roll no
  • Date of exam
  • Sem/semester
  •  DOB (Date of birth)
  • Name of your father
  • College name and code
  • Hall ticket no.
  • Subject (with their codes)
  • Marks scored in the subjects
  • Credits
  • Theory grades
  • Practical grades
  • CGPA
  • SGPA
  • Total marks
  • Status of Result 
  • Other relevant information


Steps: How to check GTU Result 2020?


There are specific steps that students need to follow to get their respective semester GTU Result 2020, and these steps are:


  1. First of all, students are required to visit the GTU official website.
  2. Now, you will find that the Gujarat Technological University's website home page will appear. Move the cursor to ‘Result’ and click it. Click on the ‘Result List’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select a required session for which one wishes to check the marks obtained in the semester examinations. One also has the option to change between winter or summer sessions.
  4. Now click on the desired course link for which you want to check the result.
  5. Enter correct Enrollment No & Seat No with specified security code to proceed to GTU result 2020.
  6. Select Search, and you will see your score displaying on your screen.
  7. Save the result in the desired format & take a hard copy of your mark sheet for further usages.


GTU Revaluation & Re-Appear Examination


Students who are unable to pass their semester examinations and are appearing in both Semester / Final year exams & previous semester' re-appearing exams; their results would be announced later on. The students who will clear their respective re-appearing exams till the semesters' end, their result status can be updated with the GTU results. Therefore, it will be beneficial to keep on checking the GTU result updates on our website. Here, we will keep updating on the website so that you do not confuse the result updates.


University Result
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