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A large Hospital chain implemented Signon CRM, sees a jump in query handling accuracy of pre-post Care by 30% & Post care Satisfaction by 20%

alfred tyler
A large Hospital chain implemented Signon CRM, sees a jump in query handling accuracy of pre-post Care by 30% & Post care Satisfaction by 20%

About Client

The client is a healthcare conglomerate with 10 hospitals in various cities in India. They have online and offline queries from an average of a thousand customers a day.

Problem statement

They wanted to streamline customer interactions both offline and online; queries they receive in order to generate good patient line up and solve issues resulting in better NPS (Net Promoter Score) The client needed a very secure and cloud-based CRM that would efficiently manage the relationship and bundle of data that they needed to forecast the types of issues that the patients raise post-care.

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alfred tyler
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