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Distinction Between The Core Engineering Branches In Terms of Scope

Kamal Bhatt
Distinction Between The Core Engineering Branches In Terms of Scope

We all know engineering is the most ancestral course choice amongst the students in the current scenario. It is a multi-disciplinary stream with infinite branches, each of the stream of engineering has its own distinct scope and prospects, according to modern innovations and advancements several new branches have been tallied in the engineering curriculum. Still, meanwhile one must not forget that the scope of core engineering branches such as mechanical, civil, and electrical is even good and at par in contrast to other new branches.

Contrarily, students tend to opt for the new branches of engineering with the mindset that the new branches possess much more future and scope as compared to the traditional core branches. But, the fact is that undoubtedly the various new branches have much more scope because of the novelty in the field. However, the core branches offered by the top engineering college in Dehradun have also not mislaid their essence, in fact, they are still going intact and strong, and this is the reason that the core engineering branches like mechanical, civil, and electrical are also known as the evergreen branch of engineering. 

This read will help you understand the scope of a few core engineering branches, namely, civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is one of the cores and the oldest branch of engineering also known as the 'Mother Branch of Engineering' the branch deals with the study, development, production, design, and experimentation of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines, etc. The field offers excellent job opportunities to the students. 

Sectors employing mechanical engineers

Several industries that demand mechanical engineers are automobile, space research, manufacturing industries, etc. There is indeed a tremendous requirement for mechanical engineers in the government sectors such as oil and gas refineries, agro-industries, etc. The various government sectors which offer jobs to the Mechanical Engineers in India are - The Indian Bureau of Mines, Siemens, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, Bharat Electronics Limited, Chennai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.

Job profiles in the field of mechanical engineering

The various job profiles in the field of mechanical engineering include-

  • Research and Development Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Senior Engineer
  • Service and Maintenance Engineer
  • Instructional Designer
  • Professor/Lecturers

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering includes the knowledge and utilization of electricity and electronics. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors and one of the most exciting branches of engineering. The subjects involved in the Electrical Engineering courses curriculum are the topics related to the transmission & distribution of electricity computers, electronics & communication, etc. The field, due to the apparent demand for professionals in the field, offers a plethora of job opportunities.

Sectors employing electrical engineers

Other than the various private sector organizations and corporates sectors like power, atomic and thermal plants, railway, consultancy firms, etc. The different government sectors which provide jobs for electrical engineers are - Reliance Power Ltd, Siemens Ltd, Wipro Lighting Ltd, CIL (Coal India Limited), BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited), SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited) ONGS (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation), and PGCIL (Power Grid Corporation of India Limited). 

Job profiles in the field of electrical engineering

The various job profiles in the field of electrical engineering include-

  • Electrical Engineer
  • Assistant Electrical Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Purchase and Quality Control Executive
  • Plant designing and planning Officer

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is one of the most traditional and most battered core branches in engineering. It is singularly the design, advancement, and maintenance of the developed infrastructure. As per the scope, the job opportunities are available for the civil engineering aspirants in both the private as well as the public sector. 

Sectors employing civil engineers

In the private sector, influential recruiters for the civil engineers are from transportation, construction firms, and real estate like- Land Transport Authority, Jacobs Engineering, Tata consulting, etc. On the other hand, the list of government companies hiring civil engineers includes- IOC, BHEL, ONGC, PWD, NHAI, and armed forces, etc. 

Job profiles in the field of civil engineering

List of job profiles accessible for the civil engineers in various sectors are-

  • Site engineer
  • Civil engineer
  • Project manager
  • Purchase and quality control executive
  • Planning and design officer, etc.

The above-mentioned three branches of engineering are the core branches of engineering which possess a great scope in the current time and will be pertaining the same in the coming day and age securing their name as the evergreen branches of engineering. These courses are available almost in almost every good engineering college in Uttarakhand; hence one can easily opt for these branches to build a lucrative and successful career.

Kamal Bhatt
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