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How to Make Engaging Posts For Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

saher ansari
How to Make Engaging Posts For Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Want to make engaging and unique posts for your social media sites but struggling, Right?


No worries. We are here for you. We know that managing the social media strategy is sometimes challenging. Remember that every social media platform is different, so the posts will also be different because there is a different purpose being served by every platform.


For example, Facebook is known for connecting with friends & family, the vibes in Facebook are more vibrant. Whereas Twitter is majorly for news or political updates. And LinkedIn is renowned for its professionalism, where companies can connect with the people.


These social media sites have immense potential. They all have the capability to make your post viral, take your voice to those it needs, and help makes your future better. Only when used correctly.


Stick with us till the end. We are going to show some useful hacks to make engaging posts for all these platforms.



  • Whenever you write the caption then create it in a way that is easily understood by the audience. Use symbols and emojis so you can easily convey your message and make the writeup more personal.


  • Another pro tip is not to use more than 5 words in the Facebook Ad headline. Keep your message between 50-80 characters. Otherwise, users have to expand the texts and it will be time-consuming for them.


  • Always use the ideal size for image posts, posts with image links, and stories. Sizes do matter in terms of catching the attention of users.


  • DO include kinds of media formats in your posts like blog links, GIFs, etc. Moreover, focus on native videos that are shorter and under a minute.


  • Whatever you post should be educational and informative because you are competing with thousands of other brands for exposure.



  • The second most powerful platform is Twitter. But do not use a ton of and unrelated hashtags to make users scroll down their feed. It is advisable not to use more than two or three hashtags in your post.


  • Using GIFs can increase your tweet’s engagement to the next level. You can use GIFs for almost anything like motivational quotes, funny reactions, slideshows, insightful content, and much more.


  • Why don’t you mention others in your posts? Mention people in your tweets and they would be tempted to engage with it along with their followers. Share content that is put out by influencers, do mention experts, and tag employees when talking about an office activity.


  • Never forget to use the ideal sizes that are recommended for Twitter. Such as Square image (440 x 220), max four images at one time. 



  • LinkedIn is a professional network. Share online the type of information you would share with a colleague at work. If you are a healthcare professional, consider sharing articles about the industry or new medical products and procedures.


  • The title is the most vital part of the content on LinkedIn. Add something specific, new, and unique, that tempts the readers to check out the entire post. In order to reach individuals who do not know you, a great title is especially necessary.


  • Align the content with your work, and build your brand. Focus on the quality of the content, and demonstrate your professional expertise by adding a couple of sentences of insight along with the article.


  • Also, use the recommended sizes for the Linkedin posts. The appropriate file format for images is JPNG, JPG, or GIF.


Craft and schedule engaging posts with RecurPost


Knowing your requirements for customizing engaging posts for different social platforms, RecurPost, a social media scheduling tool, helps you create and schedule posts for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Craft out posts, use emojis, insert hashtags, add videos and images, and see the preview of how your posts will look on each platform. 


With the feature of ‘Auto-schedule for best time within next 24 hours’, RecurPost will find out the best time to upload your content when your audience is active on social media platforms. This way, your posts will gain maximum likes, comments, and shares. Click here to sign up for the free plan and checkout the tool now!

saher ansari
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