Originally developed for writing single-page applications (SPAs), React is now used to create complete websites and mobile apps.If you have experience in web development and you switch to React, you will find that your HTML and CSS code is increasingly converting to JavaScript.
While this is convenient for developers, it can have longer loading times for end-users and more indexing tasks for search engines.In this article, we'll look at the challenges you face in building SEO-optimized React apps and websites and outline strategies you can use to overcome them.Google gets over 90% of entire online searches.
Let's understand via pointers about its crawling and indexing process.Googlebot maintains a crawl queue that contains all URLs that need to be crawled and indexed in the future.When the crawler is idle, it picks up the next URL in the queue, requests it, and receives the HTML.After analyzing the HTML, Googlebot determines whether it needs to fetch and execute JavaScript to render the content.
If yes, the URL is added to the render queue.Other times, the renderer fetch and run JavaScript to display the page.
This sends the rendered HTML back to the CPU.The processing unit takes all the tags URLs mentioned on the website and adds them to the crawl queue.The content will be added to the Google index.Note that there is a clear difference between the processing step that parses the HTML and the renderer which executes the JavaScript.This distinction is made because JavaScript is costly to implement, given that Google bots must display more than 130 trillion web pages, according to the search engine land.
When Googlebot crawls a web page, it immediately parses the HTML and then queues the JavaScript.