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Vital Signs Monitoring Devices Market Research 2020-2025 Report by Key Growth Drivers, Challenges, Leading Key Players Review

Rahul Sharma
Vital Signs Monitoring Devices Market Research 2020-2025 Report by Key Growth Drivers, Challenges, Leading Key Players Review

Vital Signs Monitoring Devices Market size was valued at USD 4.1 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach USD 7.1 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 6.5%. Vital signs include the most basic functions of the human body such as breathing rate, heartbeat, blood pressure and temperature. Patient monitoring devices, the parent market for vital signs monitoring devices, comprises devices that are used for hemodynamic, neurologic and brain functions. To check the level of physical performance, these vital signs are watched, measured and monitored.


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The key driving factors responsible for the growth of Vital Signs Monitoring Devices market :


The application of vital sign monitoring devices is expanding in the sports industry as well. Hands free human-computer interaction makes it a choice for many, making things easier to handle and obtaining streamlined diagnosis The open communication channel with the doctors make these devices reliable for people to adopt indicating the positive future growth in the segment.


The vital sign monitoring devices can be segmented on the basis of product, end use and mount type. The product can be segregated into monitors, mid acuity monitors, high acuity monitors, temperature measurement devices, digital thermometers, infrared thermometers, blood pressure measurement devices, automated blood pressure thermometers, standalone pulse oximeters and liquid filled thermometers. Vital signs monitoring devices are used in hospitals, ambulatory, clinics, surgical centers and home care settings. Vital signs device can be standalone and portable.


The market is comprised of emergency support, care services and devices. The recent trend of being treated at home in order to minimize the hospital expenditure and gain a cost advantage is expected to help the industry soar new heights. The convenience of being treated at home in the known environment is the most preferred choice of the patients which shows the industry is expected to be progressing with changing trends.


The health policies that enable a person to avail the services at a certain rate is also contributing to the growth percent of these monitoring devices. The demand for these devices such as blood pressure measurement devices, liquid filled thermometers and pulse oximeters is increasing in number which represents the signs of growth in the industry. The technology is specially designed for ill and aged population for whom the home healthcare is important.


Increase in Gross Domestic Product per capita leads to increasing health care expenditure which drives the industry growth rate. Investments have been increasing on healthcare by corporate groups that provides significant growth rate for the monitoring devices. Some of the benefits of the monitoring devices are reduction in hospitalization rates, office follow ups. Shortage of the healthcare professionals is also one of the major drivers in the U.S. With increase in the levels of population, the chronic diseases such as asthma, COPD and hypertension are outgrowing in number. Obesity is one of the major concern that people share due to unhealthy lifestyle, this results in hypertension. All these factors are expected to increase the market for monitoring devices in the coming seven years.


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Rahul Sharma
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