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What is PPC?

Aseem Govil
What is PPC?

Do you want to bring more visitors to your website? 

If so, then, let's understand PPC. 

PPC is one of the best ways to drive more eye-balls online to your targeted webpage. 

In this blog post, we will help you to understand, what do PPC means and how you can take a benefit out of it? 

PPC is an acronym of Pay Per Click.

It is a method of digital marketing, where advertisers strategically place ads online and pay when a visitor clicks the ad. 

That's why it is called Pay Per Click. 

It is a simple way to buy visits in exchange for money than attracting them organically. 

For instance, Go to Google.com, you will find typical search results labelled as Ads and Organic results on the first page. 

Similarly, you will find different-different advertising options on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest where you can set up PPC campaigns. 

This is the world of PPC. 

Whenever a user clicks on any of these ads, the advertiser has to pay a specific fee. 

This concept called Cost Per Click or CPC in short. 

If you are planning to launch a paid campaign, you must be worried about the cost per click. 

Whenever a user clicks on any of these ads, the advertiser has to pay a specific fee. 

This concept called Cost Per Click or CPC in short. 

If you are planning to launch a paid campaign, you must be worried about the cost per click like how much will it cost me? 

Well, it depends! 

It depends on your business, targeted region, audience type, and competition. 

Basic Concept, Higher Competition = Higher CPC

To provide a basic idea, the average CPC across industries in the US is between $1 and $2. 

Another crucial key term you should know is CPM. 

CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions. 

CPM usually uses when you run display or video ads. 

As opposed to the cost per click, where you pay based on how many times your ad is clicked. CPM is based on impressions alone, and you're buying the right to show your ad 1000 times regardless of how many times it's clicked. So there you have it. 

PPC, CPC, CPM, you're already learning the lingo of pay per click advertising. So is PPC right for your business?

Consult with the professional PPC expert for more details. 

Aseem Govil
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