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Here’s How You Can Close Any Unresponsive Apps on Your Chromebook

John Smith
Here’s How You Can Close Any Unresponsive Apps on Your Chromebook

There are some ways through which you can kill any unresponsive apps on your Chromebook. Want to know the solution to fix this problem? Want to see how you can close any unresponsive apps on your Chromebook computer. You can use the Chrome OS Task Manager tool to quit the apps. Here, we have mentioned the procedure for that. To get the method to fix this problem, you will have to go through this complete article.

The Ways to Close Unresponsive Apps on a Chromebook

However, the issue of unresponsive apps on Chrome OS is not that common. You will rarely find any problem with these computers. But, if you face this situation, here’s how you can fix it:

  • To close any unresponsive apps on your Chromebook, first of all, open Chrome on your computer.
  • Now, go to the Menu button and then select the option of “More Tools.”
  • And next, go through the option of “Task Manager.” You can also open the Task manager tool by pressing the keys “Esc + Search.”
  • After opening the Task Manager, you will receive the list of the currently running apps, extensions, and tabs on the next screen. Here, you will be able to close everything manually with just a simple click.
  • Scroll down through your screen and locate the unresponsive app. Click on the process and then select the option of “End Process.”

This will kill the unresponsive process immediately. After this, if you want, you can also restart the app without any issues. If the problem continues, you can try uninstalling the app. And then re-install the app. Also, make sure that you are running the updated version of Chrome OS on your computer.

So, this way, you can close the unresponsive apps on your Chromebook computer. I hope you will find this article helpful. And that’s all for now. Stay connected with us, and please check out the other related articles by visiting our website.

John Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on webroot.com/safe and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.

Source:- https://webrootcom.haribase.com/heres-how-you-can-close-any-unresponsive-apps-on-your-chromebook/

John Smith
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