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Rachel Tobin Yale and class on Hike

Rayan Smith
Rachel Tobin Yale and class on Hike

Rachel Tobin is a teaching professional and the founder of Nao Now Tutoring LLC. She has more than ten years of tutoring experience, including tutoring the SAT, ACT, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, and English. Rachel is originally from Los Angeles where he studied at the Marlborough School, and graduated high school as class Valedictorian. She then attended Yale University and graduated with a BS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. While she was in New Haven, she participated in a variety of teaching and tutoring programs, and conducted research at the Yale Stem Cell Center.

To see more click here : https://racheltobinyale.files.wordpress.com/2020/10/rachel-tobin-yale-and-class-on-hike.jpg

Rayan Smith
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