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Dietitian in Mumbai

Dietitian Shreya
Dietitian in Mumbai

Mumbai is the commercial and entertainment capital of India. Aamchi Mumbai is one of the most fun loving and outgoing cities we have. With a young earning population, Mumbai has a very outgoing nightlife and is a city that loves to party. Partying and having a taste for the good life is what characterizes the spirit of this city. Mumbai is also known as the City that never sleeps and therefore the nightlife is characterized by its own food joints and cuisines. From the world-famous Vada Paav to the Missal Paavs and the Batata Vadas, Mumbai cuisine is irresistible and yummy as well. The rains of Mumbai are another special phenomenon and the city takes on another form during these days. But having such a fast pace means that somewhere down the line health takes a backseat and gets ignored. Maintaining such a lifestyle and keeping one fit is indeed a huge task. To fulfill the health requirements of the dream city, Dietitian Shreya opened its clinics at two locations. Our clinic at Vashi was the first one that opened up, and seeing the huge amount of faith that the people of Mumbai showed us, we took another leap and opened our second clinic at Juhu. This too was welcome by Mumbaikars and this gave us more encouragement to formulate special diets that are aimed at the cultural and culinary tastes of the city. Mumbai had its own requirements and our tie ups with eminent people helped us a lot in understanding the needs of the people. And as a result of this, we established ourselves as one of the best dietitians in Mumbai. Ranging from weight management, to more serious health complications like Diabetes, Thyroid, PCOD/S, Cardiovascular issues and even cancer, if you are looking for a dietitian in Mumbai, look no further. Our diet plans keep you and your priorities first. The durations of these diet plans range from a basic period of one month to a full year depending on the need. It could be your weight or your diseases, our diet plans cover them all and our invaluable client testimonials speak for themselves.

Dietitian Shreya
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