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How much does it cost to develop an App?

Charter Global
How much does it cost to develop an App?

This question is among the initial ones that are being asked when any app development project begins. App development cost estimate is what sits at the very bottom of any mobile app development budget. Quite often a company owner finds herself trying to answer these two questions – how much does it cost to make an app for my business by hiring a professional versus how much does it cost to make an app by myself.

As much as we would like to put a finger on the cost of app development, we can only come up with an estimate, simply because each app development process involves many factors that collectively influence a final cost figure. Luckily there are several app development budgets forming factors that will help you to shape the development cost of an app. So, an app development cost breakdown comes down to:

App functionality and purpose – what an app will actually be capable of doing for its users.

Mobile platforms and devices are supported – whether an app will be developed for iOS only or has an Android / Windows Mobile version as well. What specific devices will it support, e.g. iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S+, Samsung Galaxy S6, and so on?

Integration points – will an app be integrated with third-party apps that will be the source of its content.

Use of visual objects – complexity of visual objects inside of an app will significantly influence the cost.

Use of smartphone hardware features – whether an app will be using such smartphone features as GPS navigation, NFC technology, motion co-processor, and other technologies that are packed into smartphones or tablet computers.

Maintenance plan – once an app development project is over, certainly it will require technical support from its developer.

What Should I Budget For? Keep in mind, what you pay for in the software developing world will determine the quality of the application you receive in the end. While basic applications can be created for less, a complex application will be more expensive depending on the integrations, APIs, maintenance, support, and the operating system is used.

Let our expert consultants at Charter Global help you determine just what to expect, so you can begin to develop a strategic plan and forecast your fiscal budget for your 2021 application development! schedule a consultation with Charter Global to find you the perfect fit.

How much does it cost to make an app in 2021? Know the latest costs and trends in Mobile Application Development. We at charter global provide the best Mobile Application Solutions!!


Charter Global
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