What Is Recruitment?
Recruitment is the process of employing the right candidate and adding or placing him into a particular team or group, though it can be any kind here we specifically are discussing the workplace.
In simple words, recruitment is a selection process done for hiring the right person into your workforce or organization. This responsibility is not only taken up by a single person but covers the whole team working for the hiring process.
The people working in this sector need to be well versed with different types of skills and abilities as it is their sole responsibility to select the right candidates, as a wrong hire can cost the organization a lot negatively.
Types of Recruiters:
The recruiters involving in the recruitment process are of several types. Some of the topmost ones are listed below
1. Internal or Corporate Recruiters
2. Contingency Recruiters
3. Staffing Recruiters
4. Outplacement Recruiters
5. Retained Recruiters
Stages of Recruitment Process:
The recruitment process of any organization works through several levels. Though the whole cycle differs from one organization to other, most of them are the same. The various stages stated and determined for a hiring process are
1. Defining the job role
2. Generating applications from candidates
3. Monitoring the entire application and selection process
4. Offering employment
Importance of Recruitment and Selection in Human Resource Management:
1. Filling up the position with the right candidate.
2. Big names in the industry acquiring recruiting companies.
3. Employee referral as part of recruitment.
4. Pivotal role in the growth of the organization.
5. Selecting the best-suited candidates.
6. Providing a backup.
7. Meeting the legal requirements.
8. Meeting the present and future requirements.
9. Internal recruitment.
10. Creating balance.
11. Enhanced value creation.
12. Empty seats get filled up quickly.
13. A background check of the candidates.
14. Showcasing the company’s professionalism.
15. Recruiting using new technology.
16. Simplifying the job.
17. A critical function in the business.
18. Getting loyal candidates on board.
19. Technical competence and candidate’s goodwill.
20. Selecting candidates endorsing the core value of the company.
Steps Involved in a Standard Recruitment Process:
1. Meeting with the specific department heads.
2. Defining a proper job description.
3. Right job posting.
4. Find applicants and reach out.
5. Screen the candidates.
6. Interviewing process.
7. Review session.
8. Discuss the details.
9. Finalizing the candidate.
Top Recruitment Strategies:
1. Work on the employee marketing budget.
2. Use of proper marketing strategies.
3. Challenge traditional thinking.
4. Utilizing smart technologies and sourcing tools.
5. Social media also helps.
What’s the difference between recruiting and other talent management roles?
From the outside, corporate initiatives such as talent acquisition and talent management look very similar to recruitment. All of these functions deal with attracting, evaluating, and hiring workers at an organization. The difference can be a subtle one: it’s tactical.
If talent acquisition is an overall business strategy, then recruitment is the boots-on-the-ground, fuel injection system that lubricates the hiring-engine pipeline. And while talent acquisition is often considered an ongoing and strategic commitment to the business, recruitment is a fairly linear, straightforward process that’s the main objective is to fill vacancies (and usually, as quickly as possible).
In the overwhelming majority of cases, a recruiter’s salary or fee is paid for by the employer. But there’s no question that your work benefits both employers and job seekers. For employers, you fill open roles, making smart matches to build a team and support the company. But you also serve an invaluable function for job seekers that may be looking to benefit from a resume polish, a practice interview, or a role-playing salary negotiation. Any preparation you can provide bolsters your shortlist of candidates for stakeholder consideration. And this is good for almost everyone in the process.
The perks of being a recruitment professional are numerous. It’s a role that can teach you highly transferable people skills, and effective tactics in communication, marketing, negotiations, and sales. Often an entry-level position to start, the role can quickly lead to bigger opportunities — whether in the broader realm of Talent Management or HR or simply up the ladder and into management. For contingency recruiters that hit their mark, the role can be extraordinarily lucrative, particularly if you constantly bring in the right candidates. Finally, you can develop a sizeable network spanning a variety of industries. As the eyes and ears of the job market, both for employer and employee, recruiters are invaluable to the process of finding, vetting, and hiring employees.
When you are looking for IT candidates, don’t get overwhelmed with creating the extensive processes of finding, sorting, and qualifying them. Charter Global has over 75+ recruiters available ready to take recruitment off your hands! We are able to find the perfect applicants for your position in no time, with 24/7, 365-day a year staff available.