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Fan Art of Leonardo DiCaprio As Spider-Man

Delhi Magazines
Fan Art of Leonardo DiCaprio As Spider-Man

Recently, a fan-created digital art of Leonardo DiCaprio as James Cameron’s Spider-Man. DiCaprio started his career in acting at the age of 16 with the 1991 horror film, Critters 3.

The brilliant actor is known for his unconventional roles particular for period films and biopics. DiCaprio has placed eight times in the list of highest-paid actors in the world. He has featured in a TV series Parenthood. At the young age of 19, Leonardo played the role of a disabled boy in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and received many praises for his fantastic performance.

After the success of Titanic, the actor got international recognition. Later he had to face a few downfalls before the commercial success of historical drama Gangs of New York and biographical crime drama Catch Me If You Can. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the A-listed actors in the industry and is also one of the finest one. He did a bunch of films from different genres, like romantic drama Revolutionary Road, crime drama The Departed, and science fiction thriller Inception. He also featured in a biopic The Wolf of Wall Street, survival drama The Revenant and his last film was a comedy-drama Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

He won many awards like a BAFTA, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy Award for his mind-blowing performance in The Revenant and two Golden Globes for The Wolf of Wall Street and The Aviator.

Cameron was working on a new Spider-Man film series keeping DiCaprio in mind. He also wrote 80 to 90 pages, but eventually, the project was lacking financial support and Cameron had to exit from the project. Later director Sam Raimi made the film with Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man.

Recently, a digital artist, Apexform, envisioned Leonard DiCaprio in the character of Spider-Man. The art was featuring the young Titanic-era DiCaprio looking at some distance surrounded by colourful, magical spider webs. Apexform created the beautiful art-piece to express the fans’ wish that Leo appears in the upcoming project of Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man 3.

However, Sony approached the Oscar-winner for Raimi’s version of Spider-Man, but DiCaprio turned down the offer saying that he was not ready for playing a superhero. Leonardo is a serious unconventional actor; hence it was undoubtedly less possible that he would even consider playing a superhero character.

Marvel Cinematic Universe has almost included all prestigious actors in its campaign. It would be fun to watch if DiCaprio ever joined the franchise. The superhero movies are also changing with projects like Deadpool and upcoming Matt Reeves’ film The Batman. Hopefully, the universe will bring something that might encourage the incredible actor to be a part.

Source: Fan Art of Leonardo DiCaprio As Spider-Man

Delhi Magazines
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