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Sia Went All Guns Blazing Against the Twitter Activists

James Boond
Sia Went All Guns Blazing Against the Twitter Activists

“Cheap Thrills” singer tackled all the voices that were criticizing her for casting Maddie Ziegler in her upcoming movie.

Apparently, SJW warriors on social media were unhappy over the actress being hired to play the role of an autistic character. It’s no surprise that they want an autistic person to play the character of an autistic person.

Right after the trailer for the movie Music was unveiled, many offended people went behind the keyboard to slam Sia for recruiting Maddie Ziegler in the role of an autistic character knowing the fact that Ziegler isn’t autistic in real life. 

A Twitter account holder called out Sia with a comment that said that it is highly shameful that the singing sensation excluded the handicapped and physically challenged actors from their own narrative, which insinuated the fact that Sia refrained from hiring someone with autism so that she could give Ziegler a chance.

Sia was quick to respond to the account holder with facts and said that she had cast at least 13 people with a neurological disorder and three people from the LGBTQ community not in some insignificant derogatory roles but in a highly respectful role of nurses, doctors, and singers. She added in her tweet that she feels disappointed over the fact that people haven’t seen her movie, and they are already judging her with some ill-conceived prejudices.

Singer of the highly famous song “Chandelier” ended her tweet on a positive note that her heart has always guided her towards helping people.

She got herself involved in an acrimonious argument when people kept on bashing her for her lack of knowledge and care for handicapped people.

She responded to them with a snarky remark that she has spent almost three years reading about the subject, and she is appalled by the fact that people still have the nerve to call her ignorant.

A user shared his personal anecdote in which he said that Sia and his team made no effort to include autistic people in the mix of things despite the fact that several actors from the underrepresented community wrote, asked, and pleaded for a chance.

Sia was not having any of that, and she said something that might have been uncalled for.

“Maybe you are just a bad actor,” she had replied back. However, we should not judge her. Perhaps she was just furious with all the negativity and hate.

Sometimes people on Twitter are just way too judgmental.

Sia’s fans are scattered around the globe, and of course, they were part of the debate. They gave her all the love and support and asked her to ignore all the negative whispers.

Sia replied to a user who claimed to be a physically disabled person. The user said that she had been bashed by the SJWs several times on the internet for having her own opinions, but she hasn’t budged on her stance. She advised Sia to just ignore these voices as there are plenty of people who are eagerly waiting for the film.

Sia loved the tweet, and she personally replied to it with a comment that she hopes that the user loves the film to the extent that she personally does. 

Ava Williams is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Mcafee products at mcafee.com/activate.

Source - Sia Went All Guns Blazing Against the Twitter Activists

James Boond
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