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Is there a Bluestacks for Linux?

Kris McGill
Is there a Bluestacks for Linux?

If you are a gamer and have played all kind of games, from war strategy to racing, on all kinds of platforms such as mobile, PC, Atari, Nintendo, etc then you must have heard of Bluestacks for sure, right?

Bluestacks - The software program which you can install on your Windows PC 10/8/7 and Mac, and then can install Android apps and games within Bluestacks and to run and play on your PC respectively.

Now, if you are an avid Linux user like me then you will be sad to know that there is No Bluestacks for Linux.

What is the solution then? How can I install Bluestacks on my Linux?

There are many Bluestacks alternatives for Linux, available, such as Genymotion, Anbox, etc and can help you play Android games on your Linux whether you like Ubuntu, Mint, PopOS!, etc.

Read more here to know 10 best Bluestacks alternatives for Linux...

Kris McGill
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