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How to use emojis correctly?

mike donovan
How to use emojis correctly?

How to use emojis correctly?(black emoji)

The Emoji is the language that is growing the most today, this is so because it is the easiest to learn. In addition, it is present in most of the messaging applications, which, installed in the latest generation mobiles,

Despite this, not everyone handles the language of Emoji s correctly. What's more, many of the cute little pictures that are used every day are being misused. So says the Unicode Consortium, an organization that works as if it were a kind of Royal Academy of the Language (Emoji).

The Unicode Consortium is the one that decides which new emojis will appear on Android or iPhone.

But not all emojis are equally easy to interpret. In the 1,800 that can currently be found on an iPhone that has iOS 10.2 there are great mysteries. And many of them are used incorrectly.

1. Some kind of, business card?

Error. It is a bookmark for books.

2. Hands up

It is normally used to praise something, but actually the Unicode Consortium put it there to be used in case of celebration and / or party.

3. The woman with the raised hand

The most used gesture to point to evidence or to say that someone is a bit stupid is actually one of the first emojis by profession: it is a female receptionist.

4. The prayer

Perhaps the most controversial emoji in all of history. Everyone sends it as a request, but its real meaning is that of gratitude, since that is the Japanese gesture to do it.

5. The mouthless emoji

It only indicates one thing: silence.

6. The four semicircles

The four sides represent the veins of a person who is very angry, and for that, it should be written: to express anger.

7. Ping-pong balls in the moonlight while the reeds dance

It is about Tsukimi, a ceremony held in Japan every year in the fall, on a full moon night when it is common to eat rice dumplings (the white balls you see).

8. The forbidden tulip

Actually an identification card.https://afromoji.app/

mike donovan
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