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Top Monuments to Visit in Geneva

Lorenz Rochat
Top Monuments to Visit in Geneva

Several monuments established in Geneva give it a larger-than-life feel. People visiting the french-speaking Swiss city may find it hard to visit all of them. But you can’t miss some of the most famous landmarks that complete this city in the true sense. If you have picked the right car hire services from the airport, you may have visited half of them already.

Jet d’Eau: Something no one can miss in Geneva city. The gigantic waterjet glorifies the city with a water shooting of 200 km/h. This waterjet sprays over 500 liters and reaches a height of 140 meters. 

Parc des Bastions- Reformation Wall: This wall immortalized Swiss history since it was built during the religious movement that happened during the final centuries of the middle ages. The wall is 10m high and 100m long with four reformation luminaries embedded within it including John Calvin, Theodore Beza, William Farel, and John Knox.

Palais des Nations- Broken Chair: What if we tell you that there’s a must-visit place in Geneva, where all you see is “a broken chair”. Built a couple of decades ago in 1997 on the Handicap International request for signing the Ottawa treaty, this broken chair is a 40ft tall structure installed in the front of the UN building.

Lorenz Rochat
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