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How to get approved for a High Risk Merchant Account

5 Star Processing
How to get approved for a High Risk Merchant Account

When you are looking for a high risk merchant account , there are additional requirements depending on your business' industry type that many other merchant accounts do not require. Following these steps and being knowledgeable about the approval process will help you find a quality high risk merchant service provider and thus increasing your odds of success. 

In a broad way, these are the three steps for getting approval for a high risk merchant account

  • Do your research- Running a business that is operating in what's considered a high risk industry requires more thoughtful planning to be successful and to keep your merchant account in operation. Examples of high risk businesses include: eCommerce Anything adult-oriented Tobacco Gambling Financial services Legal services Travel and hospitality. Finding a source for a merchant account and then keeping your account open is much easier once you know the common pitfalls to avoid


  • Finding the Right processor - The next step is to focus on is to find the right processor. The processing partner you choose will make all the difference when it comes to your business' success in payment processing. It is drastically more impactful to find the right partner for high risk businesses compared to that of 'low risk" business because of how the approval process works. When a payment processor considers approval for a merchant account, the decision must go through their bank who ultimately has the right to take the decision if your account is approved or not. 


  • Know about any payment processing requirements - Now that you've crossed everything off your list and picked a processor, they will have some questions for you. Knowing these will certainly speed up the approval process and reduce the chance to railroad you into barebones processing solutions or higher rates. Just like the non- high risk merchant account, they will ask the standard informational questions, such as - Do you currently process credit cards? What is your monthly volume? What is your average ticket size? How long have you been in this business? But they might also ask - What is your chargeback percentage? Have you had a merchant account shut down before? If yes, where at? This is just to evaluate risk .



5 Star Processing
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