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3 finest and the best wedding cakes designs that are timeless

luca hislop
3 finest and the best wedding cakes designs that are timeless

Wedding cakes are the ones that complete the ceremony. That is true! Have you ever heard of a wedding day without a wedding cake? Well, the answer would be a ‘no’. The time when the couples come in to cut the cake is a photo-worthy moment and to make it amazing, the cake has to be amazing from top to bottom, in and out. True that there is more to a cake than just selecting the color, frosting flavors, and the wedding cakes’ designs. The wedding cakes toppers are also an important part which most of us forget to consider. To add a personal style to the cake, wedding cakes’ toppers can be added, not only will it add personalization but also make the cake elegant. Here are some of the wedding cake designs and the wedding cake toppers’ ideas to make your cake look amazing.

Wedding Cake Designs

Abundance of Flowers 

The wedding cakes flowers make the cake a treat. The icing done in patterns with the big blooms decorated on it gives a fancy yet elegant visual impact. The texture and the color of the flowers can make a huge difference in the appearance of a simple cake.

Fruitful cake 

A cake decorated with fresh fruits of various kinds and types is a super fine match for a summertime wedding. Imagine 3 tier wedding cakes topped with different fruits make it amazingly delicious. 


An all-white cake is timeless. The florals are decorated on an all-white cake that is layered. 

Metallic Wedding Cake Topper

The calligraphy metallic wedding cake topper can add to the romance at the wedding in an elegant way. You can select the topper color according to your cake design.

Calligraphy Initial

A stunning, single initial cake topper adds simplicity to the wedding cake. A variety of choices are available in the market according to the acrylic colors and finishes. 

Wreath Cake Topper

A wreath is beautiful and when it is put on the top of a wedding cake, it makes it look even more classic. There are a lot of color options in the wreath flowers. Match it with your cake theme. 

Custom Last Name Cake

The wedding cakes toppers can include the last name to make it look more personalized. Different materials can be used to make it look stunning. This makes announcing your last name more dream-like. 

Mr. Mr. Cake Topper

This is a more traditional and contemporary wedding cake topper. The cake toppers are available at various online stores and also can be custom-made. 

luca hislop
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