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Leading Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality App Development Company

Vishal shah
Leading Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality App Development Company

At present Augmented Reality is the leading technology in a market that leverages business to keep a strong foothold among the competitor, if you are aiming to develop a product or service you must consider the top Augmented Reality app development company. Currently, most of the big giants are providing AR/VR development that too innovative and out of the box. Overall AR/VR plays a vital role in the development of any business to grow and sustain in this fast-moving technology-oriented world.


 Virtual Reality is not only limited to 360 views in the cardboard-made box and the gaming experience, it helps businesses to build strong marketing strategies and train their work-force with features like rich user interface and virtually real experience. Therefore consider hiring the top Augmented & Virtual reality development company to disrupt every changing business market with its application.


AR/VR Development at Xceltec


Creating AR/VR Application from the scratch requires deep analysis and in-depth knowledge, we deliver products that have real-world uses, educate staff and consumers, and evoke emotion.


Xceltec is one of the leading Augmented Reality development companies and Virtual reality development companies that build Virtual Reality app and AR game development for enterprises that operate in many industries.


We develop every Virtual/Augmented reality solution to a variety of business needs of a particular project. We help businesses improve their efficiency of operation, boost ROI, and develop new customer engagement strategies with enterprise Virtual and Augmented Reality solutions.


What do we offer?


We convert ideas into practical Augmented/ Virtual Reality Applications across multiple platforms. We recommend following a process to get the first prototype ready in a short time and get feedback quickly. With the experience of building 100+ digital products for clouds, apps, unity, Kudan, Arpit, AR Core, AR Foundation, MARS, and vuforia platform, we have tailored our process to convert an Idea into an Application.


To develop a scalable and efficient AR/VR-based application that has the capability to compete in the market it must be developed by innovative brains, here at xceltec we have a passionate team of AR/VR technology specialists. Designers, UI/UX Experts, Modelers, and Programmers.

We take our combined knowledge and decades of programming and design experience to develop a cutting-edge product that is user-friendly, and functional.




AR apps for Android/ IOS/ Windows

AR Support & Maintenance

AR Game App Development

AR integration to E-commerce

Location-based AR Apps Development

Projection-based AR development

Recognition based AR Apps


Vishal shah
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