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Zocdoc Clone

Uberdoo -
Zocdoc Clone

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has completely covered the earth, it has brought about a lot of problems unimaginable.
The doctor professionals are now functioning round the clock and are having a difficult time in managing the overwhelming workload.
People are also afraid to leave their homes for medical consultation in fear of contracting the coronavirus.As a saviour for both them, we have developed a powerful Doctors app which will make things pretty simple for both the physicians as well as the patients.Doctors use this app to lookup drug information and interactions, find providers for consults and referrals, and quickly calculate patient measurements such as BMI.Patients have to answer a few questions related to their illness through the app, and this will get shared with the doctors through a highly secure network. The doctors can see the profile of the patients and provide teleconsultation or consultation through calls. Patients don't even have to wait for long times seeking appointments, and the pressure on the doctors gets significantly minimised.This is the gold standard of medical apps. It's available for both iOS and Android


Website:- https://www.uberdoo.com/zocdoc-clone   

Uberdoo -
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