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Do AA Medallions Play Any Role in Encouraging Sobriety?

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Do AA Medallions Play Any Role in Encouraging Sobriety?

“Fortune favors the brave”- this popular adage fits perfectly with those recovering from alcohol addiction. Each day, they have to fight off their inner demons to make a fresh start. Every day is a struggle, and once they make it as far as one year, this calls for a celebration. As the occasion demands, they receive the much-coveted 1 year AA medallion, as it marks an important milestone. The medallions are, in fact, a symbol of their hard work and dedication.

Because of their significance, the AA medallions carry a lot of value and substance.

Are Sobriety Medallions of Any Value?

 Sobriety medallions are presented for a reason. It celebrates the recovering individual’s quest to find a way out of the addiction. When it comes to awarding the AA chips, the focus is more towards providing the desired encouragement and respect. For any person to overcome the initial phase of sobriety is by itself no small feat. Each step they take forward should be appreciated and acknowledged.

For this very reason, the AA medallions do seem to make a huge difference. Apart from signifying their pain, these medallions are a testimony of their resolve and mental toughness.

Key Features of AA medallions

Made from durable metals, the medallions are offered in different colors such as blue, black, red, silver, and gold. Moreover, the medallions are presented in different designs and feature the AA icon with the number of years depicting the years of sobriety and Serenity prayer inscribed.

There is also the option to have these medallions customized as per your specific need and preference. Because these are made out of metal, they do last for many years.

Benefits of Buying AA Medallions Online

After a lot of deliberation, you finally decide on getting the medallions online. This is indeed a good move, considering the options that you come across. There are plenty of online sellers, and if you make it a point to do some research, this will indeed help you find the right choice. In addition to lucrative prices and other discounts, you will also have the items delivered to your doorstep. This not only saves your precious time but will also present you with an opportunity to choose the best, as per your need and preference.

The Real Impact of AA Medallions

Remaining sober for a year is at best the start of a journey. Meanwhile, the prime objective should be to take one step at a time. There will be phases wherein the person might feel the urge to get back to drinking. This is precisely the reason why AA groups matter. With the support of the members and by participating in the key events, the individual is in a position to stay focused and doesn’t fall for any sort of distraction.

There are several medallions that are on offer, with each of them signifying a major turnaround. So, if the person has stayed for five years, then it does mean a lot. As such, in the next meeting, he is entitled to receive the 5 year AA medallion.

AA medallions do go a long way to honor their significant accomplishment and offers them the support and the motivation to continue on the path of gradual recovery. These are not only designed to offer hope, but also makes the person feel good about the commitments and reminds them of their goal.

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