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Photo Restoration Services: Benefits and Limitations to Know

Pro Logics India

Old photos are sweet memories of our life. But, over time, these old photographs lose their quality and are sometimes worn out. Well, these valuable memories should be kept intact as a part of important events in our lives, and that can only be done with the help of photo restoration technology. The top photo restoration services mentioned below can make the necessary alterations to the images so that you can save them for a longer period. In case you find it difficult at your end to use, then seeking the support of the professional experts for this service will be the right decision. We are going to share with you fee Photo restoration services, which you can approach and will be worth your time and money.


Expert photographers and videographers make use of this advanced service. An affordable price is charged for photo and video editing. You will get the delivery faster than you can ever expect. So, it offers you the scope to have the best-edited photos, at the most affordable price and in a short time. It’s not an amateur platform in the image editing industry and offers several services for photographers as well as for videographers online.

WeEdit photos

WeEdit photos are there in the industry for the last 17 years and are doing the editing task successfully. The experts here work with a wide array of image categories. Their services include competent photo restoration too. Three-level restoration services are offered to start from the basic to the advance. The price they charge is reasonable and regular are offered discounts too. The normal delivery time of edited images varies between 2-5 days.


It’s being 10 years now DamagedPhotoRestoration is offering its services in this sphere. The experts take a maximum of 2 business days to deliver the edited images to the customers. Once you take a look at the before and after images, you will understand how good are they in their work.


This agency is known for scanning service of:





Besides scanning, they also offer expert services in photo restoration. However, you may feel a bit down with the delivery schedule. The normal turnaround period is between 8 to 10 business days, which is a bit longer compared to other service providers.

Image Cleanup

You can also get the necessary photo restoration services from this site of Image Cleanup. But the website hardly mentions the type of images that the experts restore successfully. The experts take nearly 2 weeks to deliver a restored photo. However, this turnaround is not satisfactory at all. Sometimes the customers may feel unsatisfied with the restored image quality.

The above services for photo restorations may look expensive, and you may look for an affordable service provider. One of the trusted companies known for offering high-quality photo restoration services is Prologics. This company is having years of experience in the industry. It is known for offering outstanding services in Photo restoration and that too at an affordable price.

Prologics Bangalore India; leading Photo & Image Editing Company offers 3D/2D floor plans, Photo Restoration, Photo & Image Manipulation, Enhancement & Alteration, Photo/Image Clipping, Portrait Retouching, Virtual Staging Services at affordable price.

Pro Logics India
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