What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
Obstructive sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder where an individual is unable to breathe during sleep causing intermittent and shallow breathing leading to loud snoring.
This sleeping disorder interrupts the normal sleep cycle and contributes to several other conditions such as fatigue, heart diseases, metabolic and liver problems.
Causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the soft muscles (tongue, soft palate, uvula) of the throat relax. This relaxation closes or constricts the airway. The constrictions lead to abnormal breathing hence low oxygen levels in the body. The brain detects this abnormal breathing and signals the body to wake up to fix the breathing, causing snorting and gap sounds. This unusual waking up interrupts the normal sleep cycle disabling the individual to reach deep sleep. With oral appliance therapy, you can prevent your airway from collapsing by either holding the tongue or supporting the jaw in a forward position.
Oral Appliance Therapy Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Patients complaining of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea can be treated by using oral appliances. Dr. Maria Yazji at Contemporary Orthodontics is offering professional treatment for obstructive sleep apnea using patient-centered oral appliances.
These oral appliances are configured to keep the throat unbarred. The custom-made oral appliances are designed to fit the oral cavity in such a way that the position of the lower jaw is to bring forward enough to open the airway. Also, these appliances prevent the soft muscles such as the tongue and soft palate from obstructing the airway. Oral appliances are similar to the night guards and can be worn during night time.
All the oral appliances that we design at Dr. Maria Yazji Contemporary Orthodontics are approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
Benefits of Oral Appliance Treatment
Oral appliance treatment can be very effective for obstructive sleep apnea and our patients find it more convenient to use in terms of
- Uncomplicated design
- Comfortableness
- Easy to carry and handle
- Low maintenance
- Easy to wear
Finding the right Dental Professional for the treatment
Treatments for obstructive sleep apnea are available widely but it is best to have a treatment from a certified and professional dental professional. Dr. Maria Yazji has earned the status of a Sleep Qualified Dentist from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). Dr. Yazji has planned oral appliance treatment for our patients of all ages based on evidence research and individual patient's requirements.
All medical and dental histories are thoroughly considered. After that thorough clinical and radiographical examinations are performed that lead to the diagnosis and patient-tailored treatment