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Apply Dubai Visa Online

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Apply Dubai Visa Online

Welcome to Dubai Visas – the easiest UAE visa processing service. . Our system is based on making your life easy. Simply upload your details to our secure server and we handle all the rest for you. (We’ll send them through our direct link to the United Arab Emirates Immigration Authorities for approval).

The following documents are required to process your E-Visa. You should upload the following files in either Jpeg or PDF format:

  1. Passport scan (bio-data page)
  2. Applicant’s Photo (Against plain white/off white background)
  3. UK/EU Residency Visa Scan
  4. E-Ticket (Not mandatory – upload if available)
  5. Marriage Certificate (Only for females under 25 and If travelling with your EU spouse)
  6. Birth Certificate (Only children under the age of 18 need to supply this)

Failure to upload the files may cause an unnecessary delay to your application.


How do I get to Dubai?

By Air
There are well over 150 direct flights between the UK and the UAE each week.

Visitors can fly to Dubai or Abu Dhabi from London Heathrow (Emirates, Etihad Airways, British Airways, Royal Brunei, Virgin Atlantic, Biman Bangladesh Airlines), London Gatwick (Emirates, Etihad Airways), Birmingham (Emirates), Manchester (Emirates, Etihad Airways), Glasgow (Emirates) and Newcastle (Emirates).

The UAE has three major national airlines with an extensive network of local, regional and international flights: Etihad Airways, based in Abu Dhabi, Emirates Air, based in Dubai, and Air Arabia, based in Sharjah. Direct services are available from the United States, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Europe, India, China, Australia and many other locations. In addition, most of the major global airlines fly to and from the UAE.
The UAE has six international airports in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Dubai, Sharjah, Ra’s al-Khaimah and Fujairah. A seventh, Dubai World Central, is under construction. The major airports in Abu Dhabi and Dhabi not only service the ever-increasing local tourist market, they have also established themselves as major international hubs for flights connecting the Middle East, the Far East and the West.

By Land

Road access to the UAE from Saudi Arabia and Oman is excellent. Connections can be made with the Trans-Arabian Highway on the overland route to Europe. There are daily bus services to Abu Dhabi and Dubai from Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

By Sea

The UAE has made major investments in its ports, and boasts major ports in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah that connect with the rest of the region. The state-of-the-art Dubai Cruise Terminal at Port Rashid has been visited by cruise ships as large as the Queen Mary 2.

If you are unsure about anything, you may contact us by phone on 020 7118 4999 on via email at info@dubaivisas.co.uk. You can also request the VIP service whereby one of our representatives will call you back at a convenient time to guide you through the entire process. (Please note that an additional charge of £10 per person up to a maximum charge of £30.00 will apply for the VIP Service).

For more information visit here: https://www.dubaivisas.co.uk/



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