AI Products 

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Susan Heintz
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

This top quality Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BJJ Gi is made of double pearl weave pre-shrunk 100% cotton fabric. Pants are 10 oz reinforced Ripstop. No patches, only top quality Compact Stitch Embroidery on this attractive Gi. This is one stubbornly durable Kimono and you don't have to worry about shrinking.

We designed Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to set the bar high for what you can expect from a gi. Quality construction, stylish design, and incredible value. It's what makes this our bestselling gi, and a brand name recognized around the world. 

We took the extra steps of treating our Ethnical MMA Essentials gi with anti-microbial and anti-odor agents. This will keep your gi in your rotation for years, not months.

Susan Heintz
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