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kobo wifi setup

kobo wifi setup

Kobo is an ebook reader that is designed particularly for reading books and other necessary reading stuff. The steps mention ahead will allow you to complete the kobo wifi setup without facing any issues. You must know the correct wireless settings of your router prior to connecting the device with the network.

Steps to follow for completing kobo wifi setup.

  1. Click the home key.
  2. Choose the menu key.
  3. Tap the Settings tab.
  4. Hit the center of navigation and choose wireless.

If the setting under wireless status is turned off then try pressing the center of the navigation pad for turning it On. 

The Kobo eReader will begin scanning regions for accessible wireless connection and showcase them in the list.

On getting a lock near to wireless network name, then it is secured and you have to enter the correct password prior to making utilization of such network.

 Choose the Wi-Fi you want to connect to and press the center of navigation. If the network you wish to connect with comes out a  known network then the device will connect with the network on its own but in case the network is unknown then the following steps mention ahead will assist:

  1. Tap join the network and hit the center of the navigation pad.
  2. Input password by utilizing a virtual keyboard
  1. Choose joing network and hit enter from the center of navigation.

If the device is not able to connect with the network then it will come back to the password prompt. You need to assure that entering the correct password and trying to reconnect with the network by choosing the join network.

After following every step accurately you will be able to complete the kobo wifi setup without facing any issues.

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