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Universities Pay the Price for Covid-19 Travel Bans - M Square Media

Abhinav singh
Universities Pay the Price for Covid-19 Travel Bans - M Square Media

In 2018, these students contributed around US$14.9 billion to the US economy

 Other countries are also feeling the impact of COVID-19. New Zealand, where Chinese students make up 45 percent of international students, can lose more than $100 million from their own travel ban.

All three of these countries have experienced severe budget cuts in the higher education sector, thus

making universities reliant on tuition paid by foreign students. COVID-19 travel restrictions have left them financially vulnerable and incited questions on emergency preparedness and management.


Aside from paying higher tuition, international students also contribute to the local economy through spending on food, clothing, services, and other businesses in the community. They bring social and cultural diversity to campuses, also benefiting local students in the process.


Abhinav singh
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